The new shed in relationship to the rest of our yard. It's in the very back corner to the left of our rig as you're looking from the street.
It's been a busy week in the Cummings household. A bad drug reaction day on Tuesday didn't help but we made it thru and managed to enjoy pizza at the rec hall with friends. Sure was a lot of good pizza for $6.00.
The shed with it's flag flying all closed up.
Wednesday had promises of a nice quiet day with a stop at the Honda dealer to get the van fixed from a factory recall but while we waited we walked around the showroom. Thank goodness there was nothing there that interested me. After all, we weren't getting another van and what ever we got would definitely not be white. The Accord they had on display was dark red and stripped down model but the did have a white van.
The inside of the shed showing Ron's work bench on the right. There's a freezer and shelfs on the left.

As luck would have it none of the salesmen spoke to me, a mere woman, so we were safe. Alas, poor Ronald made the trek too and a salesman spoke to him but then all they had was that white van, very white van.
Ron came and got me out of the service waiting room to just look. He said he knew I wasn't interested in a van but if I would just look.
Mr Salesman caught on right away that we didn't want white so he took us out in lot with the other new cars setting in the sun and made us touch a white car and a gold car. WOW what a difference. Maybe white wasn't such a bad color and it really wasn't the same shade of white as all those squad cars were. Then he started showing us other vans but that white van kept coming back in the picture. I took it for it's first test drive. Drove just like the old van, which was good. Ron had to test out the U turn radius, which is just as good as the old van, and the backup camera. NEATO. We were hooked. Maybe a new white van titled in AZ wasn't a bad thing after all?
We're still working on the various personal settings such as the lights and door locks and hands free operation of everything from the phone to the radio to the temperature controls but it has all the nice features (toys) the other van didn't. No DVD players for the passengers, we opted not to get that one.