Thursday, March 31, 2011

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to the dentist we go.

Yesterday was a long but productive day.  It started out by leaving the RV at 11 am to head to Nell's for nails and a hair cut.  Understanding we take a lot of work to look like we do, she wasn't done until 1:40 pm. Our dentist appointments, that Ron made without me, were for 2 & 2:30 pm.  Well, needless to say, that shot lunch.  When we got there the lab tech wasn't there but when he arrived 15 minutes later they asked if I could stay 2 hours so they could do more work on my partial.  Since I was already in such a good mood, I agreed.  Two hours of setting in a dentist chair reading 4 different People magazines,  waiting for the lab tech to go into his little room and adjust the plate he was building and then coming back with a warm wax? , putting it in my mouth and telling me to bite down.  I think he took a long break from working on my partial to work on someone else's, but since he doesn't talk much, I couldn't tell if he was with someone else.
I know it wasn't Ron cause Ron said the dentist worked on his mouth by taking another impression.  4pm rolled around and we blew the joint.  Back home to eat left over hamburger casserole and me take off for bingo at the rec hall.
It was the last night of bingo.  The activities world at the park ceases to exist after today.
Ron is off at the dentist office as I write.  Don't know what they're going to do to him today but he has a three hour appointment next Tuesday.  I get to pick up my partial next Wednesday.  Hip Hip Hurray.
Our friends and neighbors, Pat and Rich Mondragon, left this morning heading back to Colorado.  I'm not expecting them to return but praying that they will be able to.  We pray they have a safe trip back and all their medical problems turn out to be easily remedied.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Countdown is ON !!T

We're in our final days at CCRV for the season.  Less than a month till we leave.  No, I don't know what day that will be but it will most likely be before April 15th.  April 15th is the day our dentist leaves for Brasil so Ron's teeth have to me in his mouth and chewing what ever he can put in there.
On a brighter note . . . .  Tuesday night was the first of many going away parties.  Our activity directors are retiring from the "job" after 10 fun years.  It's a non paid position with some tips thrown in at the end of the season.  The park manager decided to throw a big thank you bash and make it a surprise.  They managed to keep it a secret and prepare salad, steak (well done, medium and rare), baked potatoes and buy two huge sheet cakes for over 100 people.  The look of surprise on their faces when they walked in the door was priceless.  A lot of fun with "Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off" and dancing made the party full of laughter and good natured kidding.
Tonight is another "going away party" for females and by invitation only.  One of the ladies who lived in the park full time passed away last summer after a long battle with breast cancer.  Her sister, who also lives in the park, is giving away both her and her sister's jewelry tonight.  I can't wait to see it all and pick out a couple items to remember them both by.
 Tomorrow (Friday night) the retiring activity directors are throwing a party in the rec hall for all the volunteers.  It's catered by the park but the directors will give out "awards" for services rendered.  It's usually chicken and so forth but since there are two people who don't eat fried chicken I imagine they'll provide a substitute for Ron and Pat.  More on that another day.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sunday Sunshine

It's been a beautiful weekend.  The weather was a bit warm but low humidity.  The neighbor's 50th Anniversary celebration appears to have gone great.  A lot of laughing came from that direction and that's a good thing.  The Margarita party was a whopping success even though not as many people as last year but still a good turn out and fantastic food provided by the attendees.
My mouth is still sore and has at least two stitches still in so my hopes aren't real good for a temporary on Tuesday.  In the mean time, Ron has developed a fever blister (SURPRISE).  I've got the drugs ready for tomorrow night and Tuesday morning.
Church was nice this morning.  Missing Wayne and Norma but they're suppose to be back from California today.  Really wanted to go to lunch with them before Ron's surgery but that wasn't meant to happen.  Praying that Norma's brother in California and the one here in Tucson health are improving.

Friday, March 11, 2011


First and foremost, the people near and dear to us in Hawaii are safe and sound.  We thank them for letting us know so quickly.  Modern technology is great.  Ron always said that texting works better and faster than cell phones during a disaster and he was right.

Today is the Margarita Party / 50th Anniversary Party so we'll see what the day holds.  Their youngest son flew in last night alone.  To bad those grandkids didn't come.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Follow-up to Monday

Tuesday's trip to the dentist was great, for me.  They complimented me on my hat and looked inside my mouth and declared me doing just fine.  Ron, however, didn't fare as well.  Since he wasn't in the best of moods, he didn't make any more appointments on Monday so while he was getting the impression made I talked to the appointment lady and she advised next Monday was booked up.  So now I have to go in and interrupt Ron and the assistant and ask if he wants TUESDAY morning or afternoon.  Something told me he wasn't a happy camper over that change so I took the "morning" reply and left the room.
The appointment made for Tuesday morning at 10:30 it was time for the prescriptions.  One for Valium and one for Percocet.
Now I have control I'm going to drive him to the appointment at speeds exceeding 75 MPH......round corners on two a break check and then drive him home.  That should make him sleep the rest of the day.  I'll hop in MY van and take off shopping till I drop.  Wait a minute, he takes me shopping all the time and I'm the one asking to go home.  Oh well, I'm sure I'll think of something to do while he's recovering.
My mouth is still a little swollen so I'm not sure what we'll do today since it is Wednesday and we usually go out for a late lunch.
No matter what we decide I won't have to look for food to tide me over.  Our neighbor brought over breakfast burritos that her husband had just made.  A little spice but oh so good.  They've begun the 50th Anniversary Celebration.  Five of their family flew in last night from Green Bay, WI area with more to come between today and Friday.  Looking like it's going to be a fun week.
Hopefully it will keep Ron's mind off of next week.  We're planning on enjoying some good food and fun.

Monday, March 7, 2011

A Day at the Dentist

Tell me why a trip to the dentist NEVER turns out like it's supposed to.  Well today was no exception.  We both made our appointments with the knowledge that we knew we needed work done and was psychologically prepared to handle it.
I got to go first.  I needed a new cap/crown on a tooth that had had a root canal, no problem?  Doctor insisted they take another x ray and low and behold the bottom of the tooth is half rotten.  I had a choice, three tooth bridge or an implant.  The bridge would have entailed a root canal and a crown on the tooth on each side.  For a mere $200.00 MORE I could get an implant.  Implant won, tooth removed, minor surgery done and a metal screw inserted in my mouth and all sewn up.  The new bottom partial will have to wait since  I've put the Doctor behind in his schedule.  When we come back in the fall he'll put the tooth in place, in the meantime I'll have a fake tooth (the smallest partial plate in the world),
Next comes Ron, he needs a crown put on the tooth he had a root canal done on last year and a crown tightened.  Piece of cake?  The tooth with the crown is rotten, that's why it's loose and the one next to it isn't much better.  Now he has to decide if it wants those two removed and the partial modified or. . . . did I mention the Doctor suggested he have all his upper teeth pulled since they were so bad and work on his lowers which are in much better shape?  So do we challenge the national debt and get him fixed up right or does he just get an entire upper plate, only a small dent in the budget? Well, the love of my life declares that he's not putting all that money into his old mouth so tomorrow we're going back to the dentist for my check up and his impressions.  Because we promised our friends, Pat and Rich, we'd help with their annual Margarita Party on Friday the tooth pulling won't be done until Monday and the temporary put in place.  At least the lab is right in his office building so if things don't fit, they won't have to be sent out someplace for a couple days.

By the way, if you're wondering what dollar amount we deemed the National Debt.  $42,000.00.