Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Well, we at Lordsburg, N M for the night and headed to Tucson in the morning.  We decided to stop for the night, even though we could have made it this afternoon.  A fresh start in the morning with time to unpack the car and fix any problems waiting at the mobile.
It's been an interesting trip and I wished I would have blogged each day.  Monday we saw a caravan of electric utility trucks headed east.  Which brought our minds back to the weather we were leaving behind.  Betsy sent us texts about the 25 foot waves from Lake Michigan onto LSD.  (Lake Shore Drive)
We chose to take a different route this time.  We followed the GPS in the van.  After crossing into Iowa on I-80 it instructed us to go south through Missouri to Kansas City south thru the Oklahoma and Texas panhandle to meet up with I 40 in Tucumcari, NM. Then off of I-40 at Santa Rosa south the usual way through Vaughn and Mount Aire and out on 25 at Bernardo south thru Hatch and Deming to Lordsburg.
We've seen some new sights and old ones we haven't seen in a few years till we got to 25 and 10 and that never changes.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

21st Century

We may be in our 60's but we try real hard to stay up on current events.  We both know who Sponge Bob Square Pants, old hat, and Honey Boo Boo are.  And a few in between.  We're both pretty  computer literate along with wi-fi and air cards.  We've had cell phones since 1990 and no hard line phone since 2008.  Digital cameras are old hat.  DVRs and HD TVs are a part of our lifestyle but today we topped the list with our second smart phone.  Yep, Ron followed in my footsteps today and we went to Verizon to pick him up his own smart phone.  So after lunch we sat at the table and sent oral text messages back and forth till he decided that he's better get his outside work done while it wasn't raining.
The last two days every time he decided to go rake leaves or clean out the lower gutters it started to rain.  BTW anyone know anyway we can pay to clean out the upper gutters?
The stacks of "stuff" that needs to go to AZ is growing and shrinking.  Especially the clothes part.  Right now the rack is shrinking as I try to remember which clothes have doubles in AZ and need to stay here.  I've added some clothes to my wardrobe since we've been back and I'm sure some will be put in the "good will" stack when we get to AZ.  I'm fighting the weight gain, not as hard as I probably could, but Ron's alright with it.  He says he'd rather have more of me than not at all.  I'm not sure if the drug is doing any good but it's putting on weight real well.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

With the internet, almost anything is possible.

Surprise, it's only been one day since my last blog but I wanted to share some adventures
Ron decided he wanted tomato cabbage soup for dinner tonight.  That's fine my me.  I love cabbage and hamburger and kidney beans so I only had to deal with the big chunks of tomatoes.  Which I pushed to the other side of my soup bowl and Ron snapped up.
We needed to buy cabbage.  That was the only ingredient we didn't have but I didn't have the recipe that Ron liked.  You guessed, it's in Arizona.  I knew the name of the cookbook it was in but I couldn't get the internet to let me inside the book.   I figured I remember the recipe pretty much and would just play it by ear.  No No No.  I mentioned to hubby that I didn't have the recipe to which he turned on his laptop and went to work.  AND of course, the more I tried to explain to him that the Fix It And Forget It cookbook wouldn't let me in the harder he worked on it and, if you know Ron, he managed to bring up the recipe and send it to my laptop to be printed.  All you have to do is tell him you can't and he will by hook or by crook.  Gets on my nerves sometimes.  But that's the subject of another blog.
Hope everyone had a nice Sweetest Day today.  It's just another day for us.  Everyday is a sweetest day.

Friday, October 19, 2012

More Catchup

I haven't been inspired to write lately.  It's not that I haven't had the time, I just didn't feel gabby.  We've been busy fulfilling some social obligations and such.  I finally got my new smart phone all set up for what I think I want.  We'll see later on if I add more.  I'm pretty sure I won't be adding any games.  That has become my pet peeve with smart phone users.  How Rude !!!!  They basically tell you that what ever game they are playing is more important than listening to what you're trying to tell them.
When I'm home my phone sets on my computer desk unless it's recharging.  If I'm somewhere else in the house and don't hear it ring, they can leave a message or I'll notice someone called when I get back into the room.
I try to take it with me when I leave the house but for my safety more than anything.  It's not like you can knock on a strangers door and ask for assistance and there aren't any pay phones anymore,thanks to cell phones and drug dealers.  See I still went into a rant.  Sorry about but that's how I feel.

Today was #3 grandson's 25th birthday.  I don't know how many years it's been since we've seen him but I do know it's been way to many.  He's in our prayers and says he's getting his life together on on track.  Happy Birthday Daniel Kristian.  We love you.

Looking forward to dinner with our daughter and son in law on Sunday.  I picked up the parsnips at the store today.  Now I have to remember to take them with us.  LOL.

One last dinner with son and family is looking doubtful.  It has to be a weekend since he works nights and we haven't heard from them about this Saturday or next.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Weddings and Funerals

I realize I haven't been keeping up with my blogging.  For that I apologize but I have been reading everyone else.
We're home from the last of three weddings this summer.  Nephew/Godson got married Sunday afternoon in Arlington Heights.  It gave us a chance to see some of Ron's side of the family.  They are spread out over northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin.  Three brothers and one sister and their spouses were there.  Some nephews and a niece in attendance too.  The niece and youngest nephew were flower girl and ring bearer for their uncle's wedding.  They did an excellent job.  The reception after wards was small, refined and nice.  The DJ played enough music to keep us old folks dancing and happy.  The sad part was back at the hotel nothing was open for us to sit around and talk since the reception ended at 9:30 pm.
Monday morning came with 8 for breakfast, including the bride and groom, and a lot of talk.  The restaurant closed at 10 am so they swept and cleaned around us till we all decided it was time to head back to our separate homes and a honeymoon..
We discovered that the street the motel was on was also called Kingery Road or Route 83.  We decided to head south on that and stay off the toll roads.  It was a pleasant drive on a sunny day.  We stopped at Oak Brook Mall to pick up a couple things at Williams Sanoma  and Crate and Barrel.  Then to 75th Street and Sam's Club for a couple more things we needed and home.  We're very glad we choose the scenic route.
Now that the three weddings and funerals are over it's time to get ready to heat south and west.  A few meals with family and friends before we leave.  But we have run out of weekends so some family won't be included this time.  The summer went so quickly.  Glad we got to have supper with Bob & Tara and the kids before the wedding cause it looks like it won't happen again before we leave.