Saturday, November 28, 2015
Friday, November 20, 2015
Ron's Carport
We've been busy. Ron got a surprise birthday present. His much anticipated carport was put up and finished for his birthday. He spends way to much time complaining about the birds and what their natural body functions do to his vehicles. Now, we're hoping, it won't happen again.
Otherwise life is good here in southern Arizona. We're looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with Ron's foster brother and family. We love them all dearly and enjoy spending time with them.
Monday, November 9, 2015
Enjoying Our Winter Home.
We went to church yesterday and greeted old friends and family. As you probably already know, yesterday's sports scores weren't what the male in this household wanted and I had an interesting afternoon with sore feet.
Saturday was the first gun show of our stay so we went. By not leaving till later in the morning we were able to avoid the mongrel hoards and get a front row parking spot. However it's still a good walk to the exhibit hall. Then we walked up one side of a row and down the same row. I took to a picnic table outside to wait for Ron to go back and make his purchases. Then it was the walk back to the car. I think I started out my walking for health a little to quickly. At least I hope that was the reason for the foot pain.
Monday, November 2, 2015
Getting Settled !!!
When that task was done, time to tackle the list of groceries. As the season winds down we stop replacing stuff and make a list for the start of next year. And then there's the stock up things like milk, bread, eggs, lunch meat etc. We started by going to the furthest store north. Sam's Club. Since it was Sunday we were able to cut through downtown Tucson to shorten our trip. During the week it's better to get on I-10 and drive the few extra miles. Then south to Costco and on closer to home, Albertson's. With a final stop at Office Max because my printer that I leave here was out of ink. (Albertson's is owned by the same corporate that owns Jewel. They also have Osco Drug in their stores)
Today has been dedicated to yard work. When they said they had a wet Monsoon Season, they meant lots of rain. Our front yard is so full of weeds that if the rose bushes hadn't sprang to six feet tall (I'm not kidding) we wouldn't be able to see the roses. Our bougainvillea even came back from the dead to make me very happy. I was ready to go buy another one as soon as we got here, now I don't have to and I can sit on my patio and enjoy it and the roses.
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Safe and Sound in Tucson, Arizona
We did encounter a surprise outside Lordsburg, New Mexico at a Loves Fuel stop. We were standing at the check out ready to pay for our one big splurge of the trip, chips and pop, when someone came up behind Ron and told him not to move. Of course he did and there stood his niece and nephew. Sarah and Nick were enroute to Kansas City, MO for Sarah's new job. She graduated with a degree in accounting last fall and had been having a hard time finding a job in Tucson area. We'll miss them but glad they're following their dream.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Day 3
Having trouble blogging on my notebook. I'm sure it's something I didn't do. Another day on the road. When we left Weatherford, OK at 7:30am it was still dark and raining. It continued to rain the entire trip and though it lightened up, the sun never peaked thru. We extended our destination plan since we gained a hour from Albuquerque,NM to Socorro, NM. Possibly Tucson tomorrow.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Night One
We're on our way back to Arizona for the winter. This year seems different. I can't quite put my finger on why. I want to go, so that's not the answer. It's definitely getting to cold to sit on my front porch swing so I'm glad I'll be able to sit on our covered patio in AZ.
The only difference that I can think of is we didn't leave the house vacant this time. Our son and youngest grandson will be living there while we're gone. I'm glad someone will be there most of the time. They moved in the week before we left so I got to cook for them. What a treat cooking for two hungry men. We don't eat a lot anymore. I tried to make extra so there would be leftovers. Must have waken up my mommy genes. I miss them.
Sunday, October 25, 2015
It's Getting to be That Time of the Year.
This year it will be a little difference in the IL house. Our son and grandson have graciously moved into it while we're gone to keep an eye on it. One works days and sleeps nights and the other works nights and sleeps days so beside the alarm system it will have human content.
It's been a nice change having them here this week before we leave. Cooking for Ron and I isn't very interesting but adding two healthy appetites to the mix makes for a lot more enjoyable meals.
Sorry I haven't been a consistent blogger but the body was willing but the spirit was not.
Friday, September 11, 2015
Summer Continued.....
We did manage to have two picnics this summer which is two more than we've had in quite a few years.
July 4th was a combination celebration of Independence Day and my 70th birthday. As you can see, I'm not quite as old as the United States but still proud to be born close to her birthday. We decided to stay home this year instead of traveling to Wisconsin to watch his nephew set off fireworks. As it turned out we had a spectacular show from our back deck. Aerials going off in a 180 degree circle. People must have spent a fortune on pyrotechnics. Ron's brother and his wife, Bob and his girl joined us till around midnight and by then we had our fill of ooos and ahhs.
Labor Day weekend was also a nice cookout with family. Monday capped off a double celebration. Betsy turned 50 on Wednesday and Bob's girl turned 48 on Friday so we had a lot to celebrate. Bob even brought a cake decorated to them both.
Sorry I haven't written often but it has been an uneventful summer with a couple exceptions. A lunch and visit with friends from Cactus Country on their way back to the east coast for the remaining time. A visit to the Sandwich Fair. It's the last county fair in the state of Illinois and we think it's the best. Some things changed this year. Less farm machinery to crawl over and ooh and ahh at the prices. It rained on us so we didn't get to see as much as we liked, especially the harness races and the campers but we did get a meal at Fay's. They sell pork chops and chicken cooked on an outdoor pits by their tent. The price went up but we went ahead since it's a once a year treat. The other change there was no white bread, only wheat. It's the first year with no white bread.
Thanks to the Illinois Lotto we kept dry. They aren't paying the lottery winners but they were giving out free rain ponchos.
Friday, July 17, 2015
Summer 2015
I must say thanks for a cool weather birthday this year. I can't remember when it was 59 degrees at 10 am on my birthday. Nice getting ready to go out and not needing a shower after shower.
We've been staying close to home, husband has a new hobby, mowing the lawn. He's mowed it 24 times since we got back. Tells you I don't have a life either, keeping track of his mowing.
I wanted to do some traveling, see the new great grand son in New Jersey but can't be gone that long, got to mow the lawn twice a week between rain showers.
I see Tucson is getting their Monsoons and that's great. They always need the rain. Looks like I'm stuck where I am, hot and humid in both places.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Birthday and Independence Day Celebration
Thursday, January 1, 2015
New Year's Day.