What a day. Breakfast at the Elk City KOA was great as usual. She made a dutch apple pie for tonights dessert but I didn't give in to temptation. We left to continue our journey. It rained so much during the night that neither one of us got much sleep but we wanted to press on before we got stuck in more bad weather. Just as we were leaving OK and entering TX rain hit and it rained till we got to Amarillo, TX. Sun came out and we donned our new sunglasses and kept on traveling. Wow what a surprise, just as we were crossing over into New Mexico we got hit with rain and sleet covering the trailer and truck. Made it thru that without any problems and the sun came out again. Pulled into Tucumcari, NM for gas and it started snowing. Not real bad just flakes that didn't stick. Pulled into Santa Rosa RV park and they informed us they were turning off all water at 8 PM tonight so their pipes didn't freeze. Guess next year we'll have to leave in the middle of Sept to miss the bad weather. We're just glad none of the foul weather caused any accidents or damage.
Glad to hear from friends as they pull into CCRV for the season. Looking forward to seeing everyone again and absorb some of that beautifully warm Tucson sun.
Nice to see that Ron is taking it easy this year driving out to CCRV and not be in a big hurry and miss everything along the way. LOL