Friday, October 22, 2010

Another Day

Well, we started loading the trailer today, rather I started loading and Ron did whatever Ron does that has to be done.  One time he was on the floor underneath the table scrubbing something and another time he was on top of the trailer attaching covers to the air vents.
I also made a run to the post office and city hall.  The post office could have been done online but someone didn't want to pay the dollar so I went there and filled out the same form for free to forward our mail.  The city hall has always been done by phone but this year I had to go in and fill out a form and sign it to not get billed for the garbage pickup and sewer.  BTW, when I talked to someone on the phone they took the same information then as I put on the blank piece of paper.  The newspaper web site wouldn't let me put a vacation stop so I did that by phone pushing buttons.  All in all it's getting easier to take care of the things that need to be done before we leave.  Can't do the satellite till we're on the road since they have to get the monthly payment first.  Don't even ask.
Grandson left for Afghanistan this afternoon.  God Bless him and God Speed him home safely.  Love you Michael Philip.

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