Friday, October 14, 2011

Medicare Part D

Well, to say yesterday was a day of enlightenment would be an understatement.  Marcia, the president of our local retiree's group called on Tuesday asking me to attend the Executive Committee Meeting of the Will County Board.  They were going to announce the new insurance premiums specifically the ones for over 65 prescription drug plan.  Last year it had gone up $60 more a month and we were expecting twice that much this year.  The County had previously kept us in their active employee pool until last year when they put us out on our own.
I wish I could publish this on every county employee's computer but since I can't I'll just explain as best as I can without being to hostile.  The chairman of the committee acted like an arrogant asshole.  The vice chairman used to be a friend and is still one of my County board members.  The one County board member from my district who answered my email did attend, as she said, but didn't say anything but answer the roll call to accept "yes" when the vote came for the higher premium.  They decided that 1.  They didn't owe us anything despite all the years of service..  2.  They had to take care of the taxpayers. (like none of us pay taxes) 3.  If we don't like it......leave.
So that's what I'm doing this morning.  Comparing Medicare Part D plans thanks to  It's showing Humana Enhanced as my cheapest choice and all my prescriptions are on their Formulary list.
The time to switch starts tomorrow (Oct 15) so the County picked a good time to shove us out the door.
If anyone has any suggestions, comments or helpful hints, I would appreciate the help.


  1. We have AARP RX plan and will be paying 33.10 each for sherwin and I. WE then only pay 7.00 per script for 90 days for the mail order. We have had this for 4 years and are very happy with it. good luck and see you at CCRV.

  2. Don't hold back on how you really feel about those people Dee.

    It sounds like Linda & Sherwin have a nice plan worth checking out.

    Good luck.
