Friday, June 1, 2012

More Updates

Well, Betsy is still in the hospital and will be for awhile.  Now she has an infection that she probably got from the hospital.  She says she's feeling better and is able to get up and walk around some.  I forgot to ask what she's getting to eat but I'm sure it tastes great.
She'll miss her son's fiance's bridal shower tomorrow but I'll try and take both our places.  LOL.  I do have the gift from us both and all I need to do is get a card.
It's another cold day in northeast Illinois.  The indoor thermometer that registers the outside temperature says 57 which is 7 degrees warmer than it was all day yesterday.  I sure miss sitting outside and enjoying the fresh air.  We did get almost an inch of rain yesterday and we needed that very much.  How's your week going?

1 comment:

  1. We hope that they take care of the infection and she is back on her feet real soon. Give here our regards.

    It cooled down today and is nice, but very muggy down here Still moving stuff and got the MH back from the work bay. Hope that is the last time we see the work bay and we can get out of here on Sunday.
