Monday, July 2, 2012


This past weekend's memory will probably linger on in the diary of our lives.
Friday night there was a severe thunder storm warning.  Didn't really want a severe storm but we really needed the rain.  Just as I started to shut down my computer for the night and the storm the lights went out, flickered a couple times and then out for the count.
Before we could get to the candles, already in place because of the frequency, the wind picked up and it did blow.  When it finally quit, we ventured outside, careful not to walk on anything that might hurt us.  (Electric wires are in the back of the house).  The back deck contents was all along the west wall of the deck with the cushion storage box open and all the cushions soaked.  The 5 hanging baskets were all till on their hangers but looking much worse for ware.
The front was another story.  The two plants were on the floor, furniture moved some and the cushions all soaked but still on the deck.  The watering can was where I had left it that morning.  The three hanging baskets under the tree were still on the shepherd's hook but also looking the worse for ware.
Tony's tree did it's part in the process.  From what we can figure, since we had a very large diameter branch on the front porch, it had first flown off the tree hitting the house 3/4 way up to the roof, putting a hole in the downspout and knocking a NASCAR M & M's clock off the wall inside and breaking it, hitting Ron's truck above the rear passenger door and then depositing itself on our porch.  Now we're probably wrong because Ron's truck was parked between our tree and Tony's tree 10 feet south of our porch.  But that's what the final results were.  We didn't see the truck damage but Tony did and told me.  Then I had the duty to forward that to Ron.
Friday night wasn't to bad sleeping, the house held the cool enough to make it comfortable and Saturday morning brought another challenge.  We had a wedding to go to in Wisconsin that afternoon.  If you live in a city or town you may not realize that no electric, no water.
We stay at Best Western's when we travel so I called the one we had reservations at for Saturday night and they offered us a noon check on which we hit on the dot.  We were able to take showers and relax before the 4 pm wedding.
The wedding was beautiful and went off just fine as did the reception.  The bride and groom stayed  till all was over but found their vehicle covered in plastic wrap and the inside full of styrofoam peanuts.  The best man had special surprises, besides the wedding vehicle, throughout the night.  We both had a great time visiting with relatives and making plans for next Saturday picnic.
The trip home Sunday went well with a stop at the Pleasant Prairie Outlet Mall.  We got there 45 minutes before it opened and got a good parking place.  Then we walked to the farthermost  store we wanted to visit.  We chatted with the other people in line until they opened and shopped till we dropped.  I can't tell you what store it was or one of my birthday presents wouldn't be a surprise.
Five stores and two birthday presents later our road trip started and ended without any problems.  From what we've heard, we missed a very large storm between Wisconsin and Lockport.  We thank God for His watching hand.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't life interesting and what it deals you? How did you make out with your home and the frig/freezer contents? Did the power come back on in time to save your food? Hang in there!
