Saturday, November 10, 2012

Happy Birthday

Today 237 years ago a group of men met in a tavern and declared the United States of American would be protected.  The United States Marine Corps was founded in that tavern and some say that's still the place you can always find one.
If you get a chance to be at a Marine Corps Birthday Party, consider yourself blessed.  I have had the honor of being at three of them.  One being the 200th Birthday.  It's a beautiful ceremony conducted by Marines, for Marines.  The Marines (they are not soldiers) are in "Dress Blues" with blue wool trousers and a "Blood Stripe" down the outer seam.  With white gloves and swords it's a moving tradition.
So with that I say a personal Happy Birthday to SSGT Gregory Cummings, 20 years retired, fought in lands unnamed.  SSGT Ronald Cummings, 10 years, fought two tours  in Vietnam,  left his beloved Marines to take care of me in my time of need.  Wayne Metz,  medically retired Marine at 18 from a land mine in Vietnam.  Robert Darr, black shoe Marine (air wing) tried it but decided not to make it a career. SSGT Michael Darr tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, present duty, Mount Fuji, Japan.   Michael Schiek, served without public knowledge of his whereabouts.

Semper Fi

1 comment:

  1. Gerry and I attended a number of Marine Corp Balls and always had a great time. It was special to see the Marines in their dress blues and the ceremony that went with it. The cake was usually good also.

    Happy birthday Marine Corp.
