Sunday, December 2, 2012

Lunch & Bingo

Actually church, lunch and bingo.  The pastor had a heart felt message to deliver, as usual, he delivered it with deep devotion followed by a baptismal service in the rear of the church.  What a blessed event.
We're still seeing friends for the first time since we been back so we managed to stay till the lights went out.  Got Ron's brother, sil, sil's sister and her husband together to go out to lunch.  I suggested Golden Corral and it got an unanimous vote so off we went in two separate vehicles to 22nd Street.  The parking lot was pretty full but this is a good size Golden Corral so there was no wait.  I'm sure we all had our fill of food and we did our share of catching up.  We had seen Wayne and Norma (brother and sil) last summer at the wedding/family reunion in Milwaukee but that was a long time ago.
We finally split up and we took Norma's sister and her husband home and then headed towards ours.  By then it was 3 pm and we were both not ready for our 3 o'clock treat but I decided I could use a cup of tea.  It didn't help, I got antsy but I didn't feel like walking, sitting wasn't doing it and taking a nap was just out of the question so I went hunting.
We had picked out some fat quarters from my stash at home to bring out to Arizona so I could make a quilt to hang on the wall at the head of our bed.  We haven't been able to find them and even talked about driving back to IL with some of the extra things we brought and bring back those pieces of material we had to have left behind.  After talking to our daughter while she was at the house checking on everything.  She guaranteed me that there were no boxes of material sitting around except for the large one next to the sewing machine.  I knew that was the stash and not the ones I was looking for.  SO I filled my glass with ice water and headed back to the "green room" via the bathroom to find those fat quarters.  The only container that I had not emptied out to check was the one with the crafts I brought to sell at the craft fair that's not to be.  So I started digging thru the dish clothes and BINGO, there they were at the bottom of the box along with the pins and plastic bags I intended to bring back and thought I forgot.
The green room is the name we gave the extra room in IL that has no closet but holds my keyboard, sewing machine, computer and at one time children's toys.  So when we bought this place last spring, the spare bedroom is painted green so it seemed like a good idea to us to name the room  green room as a way to distinguish it from the other rooms.  No keyboard but I do have a TV.


  1. I know how you feel when looking for omething you know you brought with you. Gald you found the fabric.
    I am getting my new serger tomorrow, it finally came in. am really anxious to get too using it and learning all the things I can do with it. Now too find the brain to use it!!
    have a good evening.

  2. Guess I better tell you who I am-

  3. Good to hear that you found your fabric!
