Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Tucson, AZ to Santa Rosa, NM in one day.

I can't tell you how far it is from Tucson to Santa Rosa but I can tell you it was a long 8 hours plus loosing an hour because of change in Time Zones and a half hour for lunch and rest stops.
I'll start on Monday night.  We had several visitors during the evening wishing us fond farewells.  Our friends, Gerry and Larry stopped by later, they knew we'd be up.  They didn't stay long but shortly after they left our power went out.  According to Ron, it didn't come back on till after 5:30 this morning but we still got a good start time of 8:30 am.  Roads were a little windy but not to bad.  Ron insisted that we travel the entire route we'd planned.  When we got between Bernardo and Willard cutting around Albuquerque we ran into snow.  Not a lot at first but it kept getting worse and worse to where the defrosters were on full blast in order to keep the windshield clear.  The roads looked pretty treacherous but I trusted Ron to decide if we stopped or kept going.  It finally came to a stop and we made it into Santa Rosa without a hitch.
I won't make any promises of more blogs but decided tonight would be one.

1 comment:

  1. Where is Santa Clara, NM?

    We didn't notice the power was off at the park until much later. We went home and watched tv, got ready for bed and noticed it was very dark in the park. I checked and found out we were running on batteries and they were still cranking out 120volts.

    The couple behind us, Gary & Jill had some excitement on Tuesday morning. I seems he uses a CPAP machine and had to do without it. A quick trip to the emergency room was in store for him in late morning. I haven't heard how he is doing, but it was more of a cautionary trip to ER.

    Be safe out there.
