Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Generator Worked

Last night's storm was one more in a never-ending list.  I'm afraid we're getting to used to them and when a really bad one comes along, we won't take the correct precautions.  Don't get me wrong, these storms haven't been anything to sneeeze at.
We lost our electricity several times last night.  The Generator kicked on each time.  There were two ways we used to see if we were running on electricity instead of generator .  If I was close to a front window at the garage lights across the street.  If they were on, we were on electric,  if not, generator.  If I was close to a faucet
I could turn the handle.  If water came out we had power.  If not we were running on the generator.  Ron hadn't plugged the well pump into the generator.  The joys of not being on city water...no electricity...no water.
We thank God for His grace after each storm passes.

1 comment:

  1. Haven't had time to check the weather. Didn't know about the storm. So glad you are all right and hope it stays that way! Ron has his task for today getting that pump on line with the generator switch-over. We don't have a generator at the cabin but do have the same situation - no power, no water. Stay safe!
