Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence/God Bless America

Somewhat accurate picture of the front of our home this morning.  Got some sun in the way but we do like red, white and blue.  That's me setting on my famous swing.  The one I talk about setting on and reading every chance I get.
Today should be a day of just the two of us relaxing and enjoying the weather.  I fixed a crock pot of sloppy joes yesterday so they're plugged in and cooking.  Smelling good already.  Since Tara and the kids are back from WVa Bob will be off doing things with them and Betsy and Alan will be staying home since Alan has a bad infection on his leg and combined with the diabetes will be off his feet for a few days.  Eric stopped in yesterday afternoon for awhile.  It's always nice when he stops by.
I've been after Ron to buy a gun, I know he wants a new one but he keeps saying he doesn't know what he wants.  Well, Eric spilled the beans yesterday.  Not that I'm going to go buy him one for my birthday but it gives me an idea.  I've been know to buy power tools and sheds for my birthday.  Aren't I a nice wife?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have to hold a gun to Ron's head in order for him to buy a new gun. Is the power tool/shed suggestion a threat to Ron?

    Hope you guys have a Happy 4th. Stay cool.
