Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rain, Rain........... stay awhile

It rained last night (the ground was wet when I got up) and it rained this morning and it rained this afternoon.  Now I know some people don't like that but my yard and my garden do.  The part I don't like, loss of electric power, hasn't occurred today.  We're trying to remedy that with a natural gas generator but our guy hasn't gotten back to us.  I'm really sorry to have that happen because our Cast In Stone Rule is not to give a second chance on the first try.  Learned that lesson the hard way but that's another story.  One I may never retell because of the painful memories.
We did go to Sam's Club this afternoon.  Ron opened is last bag of potato chips at lunch.  It appeared to have rained while we were gone.  The humidity is getting higher and higher and no it's not entirely my hot flashes.
Not much going on here.  Doing this and that to get ready for the New England/Canada cruise this fall.  Think we pretty much have it under control.  Ship reserved and paid for,  airline tickets purchased, hotel room booked and transportation to and from the airport in IL reserved.  Now it's wait and get all the stuff done so we're ready to go.

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