Sunday, June 30, 2013

Beautiful Day in Our Neighborhood

Finally a break from all the rain, heat and humidity.   In fact it's a beautiful day.  The sounds of lawn mowers are inching up on that one nerve cell.  But I guess when you work and it rains you have to mow when you can.
I would like to thank our former contractor who insisted we had to put on a front porch.  We saw right away how much nicer the front of the house looked but as each year goes by we appreciate it more and more.  It's so nice to sit out here when the weather isn't to hot or windy.
Of course the invention of the Kindle, Smart Phones and Notebooks helped make it more enjoyable.

1 comment:

  1. Happy for you to get a break in the weather. We are still in rain/humidity mode. Flood watches thru tomorrow evening are being given & warning of another rainstorm heading our way. Did I tell you I'm tired of this wet stuff????
