Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Cataract Go Away

Well, I did it.  The first time my doctor suggested it.  It just seemed like something I should go ahead and do and get it over with.  "They" tell me the ophthalmologist prefer to remove them early in their formation.  It's easier.  Monday morning at 10:15 am hubby and I were setting in the Amsurg waiting room.  All the preliminary questions, eye drops, a visit from the anesthesiologist took about an hour.  Then they wheeled me into the operating room, put oxygen in my nose and something over me with an opening for my left eye to "see" out.  I laid there for 15 minutes or so seeing nothing but light and absense of light (dark).  They took the cover off and all the tape holding my head down and eye open.  Put on a pair of "fitover" glasses.  Wheeled me back to where I was.  Helped me into a chair and brought me a glass of ice cold water.  I sat there for a few minutes and then they walked me down a few feet to another chair with a foot rest and a table to put my water on.  Went and got hubby and closed the curtain.  Thought that was nice of them but really, what were we going to do?  I got dressed and they sent hubby to get the car and I walked out and into the car.  No pain, no blood and no discomfort of any kind.  Two hours from entry to exit of the building.  The glasses are kind of dorky looking but not as bad as hubby's VC glasses he was wearing when I met him.  BTW he was also wearing plaid polyester pants. 
Today's return visit to the doctor's office went well.  My vision is better than he had expected.  So for the first time in probably 60 years, I'm not wearing glasses.  The left eye has taken over my sight so the problem with the right eye isn't bothering me.  That eye will be taken care of in a couple weeks.  In the mean time I'm enjoying fantastic vision out of my left eye.  I'm seeing things I swear I've never seen before. 


  1. Piece of cake. Glad to hear your eye operation went so well and that it actually improved your vision. I remember you guys taking us for the operation in Tucson. Wish we could have returned the favor.

  2. Ditto from me. I hope you are as pleased with the second one. Hooray! No glasses!
