Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Just spent a nice evening at Donna and Paul's with half the park, well not half but they tied the record from last year.  23 people inside their motor home at one time.  In all there was almost twice as many coming and going during the course of the evening.  The youngest being only a few weeks old, grand son of our manager, Dan.  He got held by all the grandmas present.  What a cutie.  Plenty of food to snack on and beautiful music, some sing alongs and just visiting and laughing.
Our daughter and son in law sent us a bouquet of edible fruit today,  so we decided to share with our friends.  We are so glad we did, everyone enjoyed the fresh fruit and it all got eaten with Ron and I enjoying our share.  Not going to share our present from our son and his family.  A gift card good at several of our favorite restaurants.  Love gift cards for our favorite restaurants.  In fact we bought ourself gift cards from Sweet Tomatoes, got two free meals for buying them and now we've got gift cards to enjoy eating there the rest of the year.
Merry Christmas and God bless.

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