Monday, March 7, 2011

A Day at the Dentist

Tell me why a trip to the dentist NEVER turns out like it's supposed to.  Well today was no exception.  We both made our appointments with the knowledge that we knew we needed work done and was psychologically prepared to handle it.
I got to go first.  I needed a new cap/crown on a tooth that had had a root canal, no problem?  Doctor insisted they take another x ray and low and behold the bottom of the tooth is half rotten.  I had a choice, three tooth bridge or an implant.  The bridge would have entailed a root canal and a crown on the tooth on each side.  For a mere $200.00 MORE I could get an implant.  Implant won, tooth removed, minor surgery done and a metal screw inserted in my mouth and all sewn up.  The new bottom partial will have to wait since  I've put the Doctor behind in his schedule.  When we come back in the fall he'll put the tooth in place, in the meantime I'll have a fake tooth (the smallest partial plate in the world),
Next comes Ron, he needs a crown put on the tooth he had a root canal done on last year and a crown tightened.  Piece of cake?  The tooth with the crown is rotten, that's why it's loose and the one next to it isn't much better.  Now he has to decide if it wants those two removed and the partial modified or. . . . did I mention the Doctor suggested he have all his upper teeth pulled since they were so bad and work on his lowers which are in much better shape?  So do we challenge the national debt and get him fixed up right or does he just get an entire upper plate, only a small dent in the budget? Well, the love of my life declares that he's not putting all that money into his old mouth so tomorrow we're going back to the dentist for my check up and his impressions.  Because we promised our friends, Pat and Rich, we'd help with their annual Margarita Party on Friday the tooth pulling won't be done until Monday and the temporary put in place.  At least the lab is right in his office building so if things don't fit, they won't have to be sent out someplace for a couple days.

By the way, if you're wondering what dollar amount we deemed the National Debt.  $42,000.00.


  1. WOW! What a trip to the dentist. So, let me get this right...Dad is NOT getting the full upper plate?

  2. Now I see why you sold the truck. Down payment on dental work. Not much fun there.
