Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dentist Update

Ron kept his dentist's appointment this morning.  Don't know why.  Maybe he wanted to get away from me for awhile?  Who knows?  He hasn't had any trouble with his new teeth and he says they're perfect (for false teeth).
To celebrate the end of the dentist detail I took him out to eat, Montgomery's was the place, to try out those new choppers.  He managed to devour a Ruben sandwich and fries and wash it down with a XX.
They still weren't as good as they used to be, it's still lunch meat corned beef but it was warm and had some kraut on it.  We're really disappointed in the quality of the potato salad too but the waitress warned us that there had been three different changes in the recipe in the past year.
Tomorrow is the day we'll be finishing up the packing.  This afternoon we cut and placed the rest of the aluminum over the windows to keep out the sun and some of the heat.  After Ron talked to Dan, the manager, this morning we'll have less work to do before we leave.  Since we're in the front row he wants it to look like someone lives here.  We will unplug the electricity and water but the rest will stay attached.

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