Monday, October 3, 2011

New Technology

This morning was an interesting time reflecting back on what had changed in the past 10 years.  10 years ago we had a computer but the rest of the world didn't so I would say this morning's  revelation wasn't as much as what we have but how it can now be used.
First, Ron and I both have Kindles thanks to our son and his family.  They were presents for Mother's Day and Father's Day.
Ron and I enjoy reading some of the same authors so it doesn't make since for each of us to buy a book for our Kindle but trading Kindles isn't the answer either.  This morning I finally figured out how to lend him a book from my Kindle to his.  Now, there are publisher's rules that don't allow most of the books I have to be leant out.  But I did send Ron a book and he has it on his Kindle.
In doing this I also discovered that Kindle is now compatible with US libraries so you can borrow library books and read them and at the end of the time, they take them away.  They do warn you 3 days ahead of time that your time is running out.
I was so excited that I found an author that I love to read so I proceeded to try and borrow it only to find out my library card expired the end of September.  The library doesn't send email notices for that.  In the car, down to the library to fill out the paperwork and supply ID to get my library card renewed.  I know, just take the book out while you're there but that wasn't the point.  I was going to check out a library book onto my e-reader.  Back home and realizing that most of the books available for e-readers were already checked out.  I put a hold on a couple of books and then searched till I found a couple books that I thought I might like and were available immediately.  Check them out of the library, accept them into my Amazon account.  Send them from my Amazon account to the Kindle and then hook up with a WiFi network so the books can be uploaded onto my Kindle.  I did it.  I have a tendency to print out instructions; with this time being no exception; I read and reread till I got all that figured out.  Hooked into Ron's WiFi network with his password and all and VOILA two books are on my Kindle.  Only took be two hours to figure it all out and get done but I figured that's not bad for the first time.  I'm sure it will go much smoother from now on.
I'd say quite a use of technology.  Can't wait to experience I Pads and Smart Phones.  I'd say by golden years are going to be spent spending a lot of that gold.  ROTF LMBO

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