Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Solstice

Since today is the first official day of winter I'm going to blame all the changes in routine on the sun and the moon changes.  Today is Wednesday but we're not going out to eat.  Instead I'm making cookies.  Six at a time at 10 minute intervals.  Going to put together a hamburger helper some time this afternoon and that will be our main meal.  Figured I'd get the cookies done so the flavors could meld for a few days.  They're for the cookie exchange at the Rec Hall Christmas Eve and of course our enjoyment, too.
Tomorrow is hair cuts and maybe Red Robin for French onion soup and share a hamburger.  They're really good about cutting the burger in half and fixing up two separate plates.  To bad all the restaurants don't honor the corporate promotions.  It's a beautiful 73.5 degrees and the sun is shinning.  Love this type of Arizona weather.

1 comment:

  1. What a coincidence! We baked cookies today also. Unfortunately it's not 73 degrees here. Love you
