Monday, November 29, 2010

Last night on the road, this time.

Well, we're in Las Cruces, NM for the night but getting here today was the most fun.  We left Amarillo, TX about 7 am and drove for two hours till it was 8 am in Clovis, NM.  Then headed south.  IL plains have nothing on NM flat land.  Wow, you could see nothing for ever except  BNSF trains filled with coal cars and piggy back  semis and inter modal shipping containers. Roswell, NM was our next stop.  We weren't interested in the UFO stuff so we stopped at the visitors center and fell into a great FREE Museum on the same property.  It had exhibits of a man who made and carved the most beautiful guns.  400 to over 600 hours of carving on every one.  Then there was an exhibit of a rocket maker who moved to Roswell so he had room to experiment shooting them off AND he was a friend of Charles Lindberg who helped him.  We stopped in Ruidoso, NM for lunch.  When we looked out the window of Denny's it was snowing.  Wasn't sticking but that was a false sense of security.  The farther down the road the more Casinos we saw and the more snow along the side of the road.  It never got real bad.  Then we came along by White Sands National Monument and decided to stop and take a look.  Thanks to our senior citizens National Parks Pass we got to see it for free.  It was a self tour of 8 miles round trip.  The gypsum that looks so much like snow was beautiful since it wasn't snow.  LOL  We ended up driving off the roadway and just driving on it.  We had to get out and take pictures of each other standing next to a dune.  It felt like really fine sand.  They were going to have a moonlight walk later on but we had places to go.

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