Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday after Thanksgiving.

We're on the road again. Heading for AZ.  Spending the night in Springfield, MO.  What do you think the chances are that I'll run into Brad Pitt without Angie and the kids?  That's what I thought.  Oh well, if I found him, I probably wouldn't know what to do with him.  LOL
Today went well, chilly but the sun was bright and warm.  The van is a much better vehicle for long trips than a 3/4 ton diesel truck.  Conned Ron into stopping at a Cracker Barrel for lunch so I'm not hungry for supper but when I am, I'm going to have a delicious turkey sandwich and cranberry salad.
Ron's enjoying unlimited TV channels with a "clean" remote.  That's what the remote holder said, "clean" remote.

1 comment:

  1. You had better stay out of Cracker Barrels or you will never get to Tucson by Monday. 1280 miles to go. Be careful out there.
