Friday, December 28, 2012

Shopping, shopping, shopping.

If it's one thing we are really good at it's shopping.  Now some people shop to just look around and dream.  Not us, we shop and spend money.  Today was a trip to Sam's Club to pick up some items not available at a reduced price elsewhere.  Like potato chips and such......
There was a slight stop over at at furniture store and sure enough we found the kitchen chairs we wanted.  Now the fact that they happen to be cheaper that the ones we were leaning toward from the other day and better built than any we had seen didn't weight into the decision to purchase two.  We both agreed they were what we wanted.  Unfortunately for our pocket books this store also sold kitchen stuff, high end kitchen stuff.  We spent most of our time in the store devoted to looking at Cuisinart products and gadgets every kitchen should have.  Yes, we did succumb  to temptation and bought some other things.  And from the sounds coming from the kitchen maybe one thing to many.
The name of the furniture store is "The Table Place" on Broadway between Pantano and the wash.

We had a beautiful day with plenty of sunshine to enjoy.  That's one of the many things we love about Arizona.

I don't normally end with a laugh but I just have to share a post from our oldest Grandson who is in the US Marine Corp stationed at Camp Fuji, Japan.  "If I don't accomplish anything else in my life, at least I can say that Lance Armstrong and I are tied for wins at the Tour de France."

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