Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Batting and wire.

Nice quiet weekend for us except for a short visit from Grandson, Eric, and his new bride, Julie.  We love them both and think they make a good couple.  Can't wait for the beautiful babies.  Mom, they paid us back so you can stop worrying about that.
After they left we remembered something we wanted to show them so today I sent Eric a text to stop by for a couple minutes if they had the time.  I knew they were planning on getting a lot of the post wedding errands run plus a trip to the doctor for Eric's back.
They stopped by around noon.  One of these days I'll have food made up so I can invite them to stay for a meal or just plan on a meal.  What we had to show them was one of the favors from the reception table that was filled with green and purple M & M s had two pieces of wire in it.  They were surprised since they are the ones who made them all up.  Oh well, another mystery that will go unsolved.
After they went on their way we ate lunch and after Ron cleaned up from mowing the lawn we headed out to JoAnn Fabrics.  I had 2 40% off coupons and I needed thinner batting for the Linus Quilts.  The stuff I bought last spring was to think for the small quilts.  12 yards later at 40 % off back to home and enjoy the piece and quiet.  Tomorrow starts another.  Our retirees group is having their picnic, rain or shine at the New Lenox VFW.  Then Thursday is the Sandwich Fair.  I'll tell you more about that later.

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