Thursday, November 8, 2012

Another day closer to NORMAL

It's a beautiful morning in Tucson.  Sun is out, 76 degrees at 10 am and my water heater closet has walls and a floor.  Just waiting for the plummer this afternoon to install the water heater.
The floors in the hallway and bedroom are the same height.  That means the part those nasty men tore out last Friday has been replaced and they are in the process of putting new paneling on the walls they tore out.  All this thanks to our handyman, Glen, and my wonderful husband, Ron.  They worked all afternoon yesterday after a trip to Home Depot in the morning to purchase their supplies and bragging on the deals they got.  Now this morning they're at it again.
After one entire week since we arrived in Tucson our lives are getting back to normal.  My sanity was at stake when they were tearing it all out and the climbing over and around the fans and dehumidifier was a bit  unnerving but I learned to adjust.
Looking forward to enjoying those beautiful desert sunsets.  There's none like them anywhere else, so I say.
I even went to bingo last night and saw some friends that are back for the winter.  Really enjoyed myself despite not winning a dime.  I did bring good luck to a friend who hadn't won a game all summer so that was as good as winning myself, maybe even better.

1 comment:

  1. Now after all is done, you can relax and really enjoy your home and the weather and sunsets out there. When do you start the sewing club?
    Keep blogging I read them all the time, your blog and Larry's blog.
    Happiness to you and Ron.
