Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5 and counting

The  restoration person came Saturday and today (Monday) to check the moisture content of the floors.  They flunked on Saturday but by then the sound of the blowers and dehumidifier were "normal".  Today's visit the outside dehumidifier in the hot water heater space passed and it was removed.  The two blowers and dehumidifier inside still haven't don't their job so they stay another day, at least.  This guy rolled the carpet back so the bare floor is showing so maybe it will be removed on tomorrow's visit.
The sad thing is I'm getting used to the noise of the fans and sleeping pretty good at night but crawling over the fan in the bedroom doorway and bathroom doorway plus the hose going from the dehumidifier thru the bathroom into the shower drain is a little tricky so I try not to get up in the middle of the night.
Tomorrow one guy is coming to give us an estimate to restore the floors when they finally dry out.  Ron got a number from a neighbor who had a similar problem last year plus had their doors replaced and called him for an estimate but he hasn't called back with an appointment time.
Things actually feel back to normal in the rest of the house.  I cook and Ron does dishes.  Tonight will be Mexican night, as usual, but Ron cooks the beef.  Tomorrow is pork roast, sauer kraut and potatoes  in the crockpot.;    Wednesday is bingo so on goes our life in sunny Tucson for the winter.
I'll try and remember to keep up on how our mini disaster cleanup is progressing.
Nothing like the one one of our Grand daughters is going thru in New Jersey.  They were Blessed in that the trees all fell away from their home on already dead power lines.  They haven't had electricity since last Monday night but they have their home and two fire places with wood and a gas generator but gas has been difficult to obtain because of Hurricane Sandy.
How's it going at your home today?


  1. wow! YOu sure have had some unforunate luck, but at least it is warm and not 37 degrees like it is here.
    Last night we lost all power to our house and had to have an electrictian come to tell us the main breaker to the house needed to be replaced so her did replace. tonight I was cooking supper and ran out of Gas--and we are on automatic, so much for that. called the gas company and they said if they came out tonight I would have to pay for a house call--I said no on your life I will not pay, you guys let us run out. so they are coming in the morning, jerks!! I still wont pay extra, it is their fault. I am ready to just pack up and go to Tucson and see what we can find to live in, maye uner the bridfe or in the desert. Well good luck with your home. keep on blogging.

  2. Sounds like you're not having a good time either. I guess things happen every once in awhile. I pray that yours and ours are finished.

    1. Just think you will have some new floors and a new water heater. Everything you fix won't have to be fixed again.
      Is caroline there yet? the lady from Canada?

    2. I don't think so. I don't get out and walk around. One of us goes to the mailbox once a day.
